In ballet, the expression "Port de tête" beautifully captures the significance of head placement. It directly translates to "carriage of the...

The Importance of Foot Connection

Created at 19/08/2024
The Importance of Foot Connection: Beyond Footwork
In the world of dance, footwork is king. Dancers meticulously train their feet to move with precision...

Dance as escapism?...

Created at 12/08/2024
Some might say that taking dance classes during a war or difficult times is a form of escapism. But in my experience, it's quite the opposite.
Escapism is...

The accents in Latin dance music

Created at 05/08/2024
The use of accents in Latin dance music is deeply rooted in the diverse cultural influences that shaped these dances. Here's a breakdown of...

Man & Woman as a dance couple

Created at 29/07/2024

Man and Woman as a dance couple- how did it start?

Take an adventure; a dance adventure back in time to the beginnings of...

The Magic in the First Touch

Created at 15/07/2024
As ballroom dancers take to the floor, there's a moment of magic that happens before the first step. It's the gentle connection of hands, a seemingly simple gesture...
Ballroom and Latin dance shoes - not just a matter of aesthetics!
How to dress for a ballroom dancing class??
Are you starting to dance and unsure...

No more excuses!!

Created at 10/07/2024
Your posture is more important than you think!

As dance teachers, we are not just...

I dance, therefore I am

Created at 08/07/2024
"I dance, therefore I am":  a playful twist on the famous philosophical statement "I think, therefore I am" by René Descartes. While...